You know that Allstate commercial when the man says "It's back to basics. And the basics are good"? Well, that's my motto for this spring. I've been trying to revamp my basics in the last few days, but here are my general guidelines of things to do for spring. I figure blogging them will make me more accountable, so feel free to check up on me.
I'm going to eat right. More fruits and veggies. Less cookies. For lunch today I made a turkey and hummus pita with blackberries on the side. It felt good. Then I bought marshmallow chocolate cookies. Not so good. I'll work on that.
I'm going to read my scriptures every day and go to the temple once a week. I am so blessed to have a temple so close, and it's time to really take advantage.
I'm going to savor learning. Outside reading, not just Harry Potter, going to a variety of lectures and devotionals on campus, and really trying to excel and participate in my classes.
I'm going to write missionaries. No more than two weeks to get a response back to them, none of this six weeks junk.
I'm going to sleep more and appreciate mornings. Early class will do this to you, but I'm quite excited. And I'll go to bed earlier. Starting tomorrow night.
I'm going to focus. Less facebook. More CNN.